Friday 19 June 2020

What is Laser Hair Reduction?

Laser hair reduction, is an effective way of getting rid of the unwanted hair on the body with the help of pulses given out of the laser light that destroy the hair follicle.

Is it permanent?
As the name rightly suggests, its laser hair reduction and NOT hair removal as it gets rid of about 70-75% of hair depending upon the type, area of the body and the amount of growth.

Is it painful?
We have the latest technology of lasers with an effective cooling which not only protect the surrounding skin but also makes the treatment experience more comfortable and pain-free.

How many sessions are needed and at what intervals?
On an average, 7-8 or more are needed. Since facial hair are hormonal, though it may take longer. There is no fixed interval between sessions as it differs depending upon growth of each person.

Who would be an ideal candidate?
Laser hair removal works best on fair skin and thick hair. It does not work on fine hair.

Precautions to be taken before and after the laser?
Don’t wax or thread and come for your session as no hair root will be present to kill. Your session may go waste. Though shaving is fine. Waxing or threading in between sessions is fine but when you come, the growth must be maximum.

Are there any side effects?
If done by some trained personnel and with correct parameters, there are no side effects. There are chances of burns if the technique used is not correct & other sensitivity related temporary redness.

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